Teaching Cross-cultural Competence Workshops in December-January

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National Cultural Profiles

The main aim of our courses is to provide an in-depth introduction to the Lewis Model, as well as to enable participants to understand and use the CultureActive website for online cultural assessments and guided self-study. The courses also qualify participants to become Lewis Model trainers, able to deliver training using Richard Lewis Communications’ cross-cultural PowerPoint materials. The Advanced Course additionally certifies participants to be able to deliver training via the Cross-cultural Dialogue Mat.

Next workshops:

15th-18th December, 2015 (Level I)

26th-29th January, 2016 (Level II)



To attend the courses you should be an experienced cross-cultural or behavioural skills trainer, or be involved in selling training of this kind, and in general educated to degree level. However, we also accept HR Managers who would like to assess the applicability of the Lewis model and CultureActive Assessments to their companies’ training needs. Experienced language trainers who would like to move into management training, and students whose degrees are linked to cross-cultural studies may also be eligible. We recognise that not all potential attendees intend to deliver training according to the Lewis Model or become licensed partners. You may wish to gain a deeper understanding of a different approach to cross-culture or intend to sell courses as an agent, and accordingly want to have greater insight into the Lewis Model.

Acceptance onto the courses is entirely at Richard Lewis Communications’ discretion.

There are currently two courses:

1)         Level I – Introduction to the Lewis Model and CultureActive tool (3.5 days)

This introduces participants to cultural training according to the Lewis Model, explaining the background to the theory and how it works in practice. You get a broad overview of the materials and resources on offer, including the CultureActive website, and advice on using them during training sessions. Participants receive copies of When Cultures Collide and Cross-Cultural Communication: A Visual Approach.

2)         Level II – Advanced (3.5 days)

This course is aimed at more advanced trainers and is partly centred on the Cross-Cultural Dialogue Mat. The basics are covered more briefly than on Level I, on the assumption that participants are already familiar with the major cultural models. There is more emphasis on training methods and techniques. Participants are provided with various recently published books on intercultural issues as well as a copy of the Cross-Cultural Dialogue Mat (worth £150).

It is possible to attend this course without having taken Level I if you already have a good understanding of the Lewis Model and/or are an experienced behavioural skills trainer.

Both courses provide ample opportunities for teaching practice and feedback.

If you are interested in attending a TCC course, please email Caroline Lewis (caroline.lewis@rlcglobal.com) to find out about dates of future courses and to request an enrolment form and a copy of the Terms and Conditions.

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