‘Examples (distinguishing RLC) could be the Japanese translation of CultureActive, and getting Mandarin speaking trainer trained and made available to increase the possibility of success for a workshop in Shanghai at very short notice’




We work in partnership with CultureActive, giving you access to its unique cultural profiling tools and innovative e-learning development resources.

It has an online Cultural assessment, with questionnaires for profiling your cultural type and knowledge.

Users can learn which cultural environments they are likely to flourish in and how to manage elsewhere.

  • Analysis features help HR managers quantify training needs and results objectively, and give a rich dimension to international selection.
  • You can increase competitive advantage in international business through knowledge and understanding acquired online.
  • Know more about your customers, business partners and foreign subsidiaries or parent company.

CultureActive is used by several leading European and US business schools. Shortly after its launch, it received an award for the most innovative technology at the CIBER Congress on Global Interdependence 2002 hosted by at the University of North Carolina.

Personal Cultural Profiles

pcp_275Knowledge of your own cultural profile and that of your team helps you perform more effectively in international dealings – predicting how others will react when negotiating, managing and communicating across cultural boundaries.

How do your cultural traits compare with those of the people you collaborate with or with your clients? Our personal assessment tool will provide the answers.

By consolidating individual profiles, management can be provided with a database of the cultural characteristics of a group or sub-group.

The knowledge can be used individually, for teams and strategically. This can increase your personal and team awareness, develop your skills and lead you to understand and deal with different markets more effectively.

Profiles can also be used to add a cultural dimension to choosing people for the right roles, as part of the selection/recruitment process, and in developing recruitment policy in order to increase diversity – for instance so that you can reflect and respond better to your key markets.

In addition to personal feedback, you get plenty of recommendations and advice on further study and action.

National Cultural Profiles

China-NCPTo assist companies doing business globally CultureActive have developed a unique online resource of National Cultural profiles of more than 100 countries from Argentina to Vietnam – with new profiles being added regularly.

The profiles provide in-depth cultural knowledge based on the work of Richard D. Lewis. They incorporate his model of cultural classification and the benefit of several decades of cultural research and 1,000s of live seminars.

Around 20,000 interactive profile comparisons on this site provide an invaluable tool for conducting international business. By focusing on the cultural roots of national behaviour we can foresee and calculate how others will react in negotiations.

A working knowledge of the basic traits of other cultures, and, importantly, our own, enables us to make the most of the cultural synergies and challenges of working in a multicultural environment.

These profiles are an invaluable, interactive resource for anyone engaged in international business. They provide insights as to how business behaviour is affected by cultural factors such as core beliefs, sense of values and prevalent communication styles.

They explain how other cultures organise meetings, why they behave as they do, adopt particular stances, come to typical sticking points, expect certain outcomes, draw certain conclusions which may seem strange to us.

‘The cooperation is recognized by full flexibility, incredible speed in support and adaptation, full credibility in the quality delivered, all at the same time creating an atmosphere of partnership, sharing and trust’

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