‘The multi-cultural workshop sessions were comparable to (those) offered at INSEAD, IMD, Columbia or Harvard’

The Lewis Model

The Lewis Model* is rooted in Edward T Hall’s concepts of monochronic (attending to one thing at a time) and polychronic (attending to multiple things at the same time) cultures. Richard Lewis expanded these concepts to the broader ones of linear-active and multi-active, then added the new concept of reactive, following a period immersed in Japanese culture.

The purpose has always been to help clients know culture – starting with their own – using the Model, then apply it practically for better global business.

Click below for an introduction to The Lewis Model and CultureActive – our web-based resource.

* Downloadable description in context of other models.

‘Very interesting and relevant session.  The interactive style of presenting the subject helped to capture and maintain my attention.  I was very enlightened by the information obtained’

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