‘The cooperation is recognized by full flexibility, incredible speed in support and adaptation, full credibility in the quality delivered, all at the same time creating an atmosphere of partnership, sharing and trust’

Facts and Figures


You chose to ‘get the data’- perhaps you are linear-active.

‘90% of CEOs believe if cross-border communication were to improve, profit, revenue and market share would all improve as well. Yet many are not doing enough to address the challenge’ – Competing Across Borders, The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2012


There are huge opportunities to be seized through rising to the cultural challenge. We help transform the way you compete (and collaborate) across borders….for better results.

Why use the Lewis Model?

  • Any business interaction begins with communication. If communication fails, trust tends to break down and it no longer matters whether your counterpart is more masculine, feminine, generalist, particularist or any of the other academic terms coined by cultural theorists. We help you communicate effectively. From the start.
  • The radically different Lewis Model of Culture is the easiest to understand, most applicable, most communication -centred cultural model, and best interprets the all-important East Asian cultures.
  • It has been validated academically; through mapping against our own and other research data; through controlled experiment and through practical usage by dozens of organisations world-wide.

Facts and figures

  • In communication since 1955
  • In cross-culture since 1985
  • Trained 70,000 people in cross-cultural competence
  • Culturally-profiled 75,000 people from 200+ countries
  • Trained 300 Lewis Model trainers world-wide
  • 1M copies of ‘When Cultures Collide’ sold, in a dozen languages
  • CultureActive world’s first, award-winning, on-line cultural profiler
  • World’s first ‘Cross-Cultural Dialogue Mat’

‘Very useful session as it will prepare me better for IMF negotiations.  A lot to retain about country behaviours but these skills will be further developed and honed with practice’

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