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Cross-Cultural Communication: A Visual Approach
This book provides the reader with analyses of various aspects of communication in both written and graphical form. It is designed to be light on text, but succinct, and rich in visuals, capturing complex cultural interaction in simple, accessible diagrams. This second edition now covers over 70 cultures and contains 360+ visual aids. At the end of each chapter, there are exercises to get you thinking about your own communication style and where you fit into the global multicultural mix.
Read moreFinland, Cultural Lone Wolf
Why is Finland number one in global competitiveness? Why is Finland number one in mobile phones? Why is Finland regularly voted as the least corrupt country in the world? How did Finland become the world leader in managing water resources? Why are Finns regarded as the ideal peacekeepers? Why is the future Finnish?
Find out why by reading Richard D. Lewis‘ cultural study of Finland and the Finns.
Add to cartFish Can’t See Water
Using extensive case studies of successful global corporations, this book explores the impact of national culture on the corporate strategy and its execution, and through this ultimately business success — or failure. It does not argue that different cultures lead to different business results, but that all cultures impact organizations in ways both positive and negative, depending on the business cycle, the particular business, and the particular strategies being pursued. Depending on all of these factors, cultural dynamics can either enable or derail performance. But recognizing those cultural factors is difficult for business leaders; like everyone else, they too can be blind to the culture of which they are a part.
Add to cartHumour across Frontiers
A collection of international jokes and humorous anecdotes.
“Wildly funny and unexpected. A delight to read. The distinction of the book comes from the way it pinpoints national differences through hilarious humour.”
Michael Gearin-Tosh, Professor in the Overseas Department of Stanford University
The Billingers
The Billingers tells the story of a little Lancashire village called Billinge. The author, Richard D. Lewis, who was born in Billinge in 1930, recounts his memories of life there and paints vivid pictures of all the main – and idiosyncratic – characters who formed the life-blood of the village. Lewis has also written down the grammar, key vocabulary and expressions of the Billinge dialect, now almost completely extinct. The Billingers is a fascinating, eclectic perspective on bygone years in the north of England.
Add to cartThe Cultural Imperative
Will the tidal wave of globalisation lead us to a bland and uniform cultural landscape dominated by a unified cultural perspective? Will cultural imperialism triumph in the twenty-first century? Or will culture maintain its influence on the human consciousness?
Richard D. Lewis explores these questions and explains how cultural traits are too deeply embedded to be homogenised.
Add to cartThe Road from Wigan Pier: Memoirs of a Linguist
Born in the depressed 1930s into a family of Lancashire miners, a piece of coal’s throw from Wigan Pier, Richard D. Lewis grew up in a rough-hewn homeland of Rugby League, with its awesomely deep collieries, its massive, gaunt cotton mills, black-faced pitmen and raw-boned pit lassies. Today he advises governments and corporations on cultural diversity, is a best-selling author, and was knighted by former President Ahtisaari of Finland. The Road from Wigan Pier, Richard D. Lewis’ autobiography, tells the story of this remarkable journey from humble beginnings to international acclaim.
Add to cartWhen Cultures Collide (3rd edition)
Now covering more than 60 countries and every major region in the world, this updated and expanded third edition continues to break new ground. New chapters on more than a dozen countries vastly broaden the range. Richard D. Lewis gives leaders and managers practical strategies to embrace differences and work successfully across an increasingly diverse business culture.
Add to cartWhen Cultures Collide (4th edition)
Now covering more than 60 countries and every major region in the world, this updated and expanded third edition continues to break new ground. New chapters on more than a dozen countries vastly broaden the range. Richard D. Lewis gives leaders and managers practical strategies to embrace differences and work successfully across an increasingly diverse business culture.
Add to cartWhen Teams Collide
International teams are rapidly becoming the central operating mode for global enterprises. They are often agile and perceptive, know local markets better than HQ does, lead innovation and exploratory ventures, and are more culturally aware than their parent company. In this new book, Richard D. Lewis applies his Lewis Model of cultural analysis to the world of teams, providing insights and practical advice for the modern executive.
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